Reiki and Astrology

Mercury Retrograde in Aries

As you can tell Astrology is a new interest I seem to have developed:) I am really enjoying working in harmony with what is happening in the universe with the planets using my Reiki practice.

I read about Mercury Retrograde in Aries last night before going to bed. This morning when I woke up, this is what I felt drawn to sending Reiki for, first thing – ‘being able to change within me what needs to change at this time of Mercury retrograde in Aries for me to be able to achieve my potential for the best possible outcome for me and all concerned’.

This helped start my day feeling really peaceful, positive and excited to share this with you.

I feel very grateful for having Reiki in my life as it helps support me in doing whatever I feel drawn to do.

Thank you Tanya for helping me see this positive aspect of Astrology and to discover Robert Ohotto’s newsletter. I have signed up for it.

I use my level 2 Reiki practice for sending Reiki. If you have not been initiated into level 2 Reiki, you can ask Reiki to support the intention that you would like to work with during your daily Reiki self treatment.

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