Reiki on Valentine’s Day!

heart in hand

Be your own Valentine and give yourself a Reiki treatment, especially on this day. Remember Reiki is also called unconditional love. It does not matter how I may be feeling – I know that a Reiki self treatment always works. I feel that each Reiki self treatment helps strengthen my connection to the Source. I also know that giving myself a daily Reiki treatment is an expression of self love, self care and self nurturing.

I suffer from Asthma. My interest in the concept of self love was piqued when I first heard of the link between autoimmune diseases and self love. The mantra Aham Prema cropped up immediately in my consciousness. The literal translation of this mantra is ‘I am love’. It is helpful to chant a mantra for at least 108 times for 21 days in a row to optimise the benefits. I could not maintain the discipline of doing this. I draw comfort from knowing that I give myself a Reiki treatment everyday and I have been doing this for nearly fourteen years now.

Recently I listened to an interview with Anita Moorjani about being ourselves, loving ourselves. I was deeply inspired and booked a place to attend her talk in London on February 28th, 2015. I find it more beneficial to listen to people in person. I enjoy reading books and listening to interviews in the media. But there is something very different about listening to someone in person. I find that connections happen within me, emotions are touched more deeply, my conscious mind may even drift away but I have come to trust that I get all that I need at that point of time. Somehow I get more out of reading their books after meeting the author.

I experienced some of this and more at the talk on ‘Science of self love’ by Dr David Hamilton I attended on 2nd February 2015 organised by Alternatives. It seemed like a lot of my questions were answered – questions that I was not even aware of having. It seems like self love is the key to several issues that I have been aware of recently – self esteem. During the talk I could see how self love could help life to flow with more ease. David talked about feeling ‘I am not enough’ and reminded me of the research done at Harvard University about the connection between body language and self esteem. He showed us a technique to practise everyday to help boost our confidence levels and to train our brain to start believing this. He uses his scientific knowledge to test the efficacy of practices like this. Apparently it is never too late to train our brain.

After the talk, I was able to ask David if he has done research with this Mantra and he said that he has not. But he has done research on loving kindness meditation and he discovered that it can help reduce inflammation and improve cardiovascular activity.

Listening to him has strengthened my motivation to continue chanting the mantra Aham Prema. I have also started to practise the technique he showed us to train my brain.

David also talked about how the belief I am enough can lead us to the realm of I am where we can start trusting in our connection with everyone and everything, our infinite potential and how he feels Anita Moorjani embodies this. After listening to this I am looking forward even more to the 28th February. If you are planning to go, please do let me know. It will be good to meet you there.

I feel very grateful for all that I have in my life, especially my main spiritual practice of Reiki that helps me see life from this perspective.

I offer Reiki treatments and teach Reiki classes in London every month. Please contact me if you would like a treatment or to learn Reiki with me.
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