Birthday Wishes

Despite being in this strange situation, this birthday seems really special with several synchronicities. I feel as if a new phase of life is beginning. I have been married for exactly half my life now. This synchronicity is helping me sense I have reached a centrepoint in some way. I trust life to continue to reveal, what it may be.

I have been offering Reiki Shares and Reiki 2 circles every week, since lockdown began. At the Reiki 2 circle before my birthday, when the students sent me birthday Reiki, I felt as if I was connecting with infinite abundance. I have known that Reiki, Universal Life force energy is infinite and always available to us. During that Reiki sending I felt as if I could move from knowing to feeling it.

I loved the synchronicity of so many 2s in the date and time of the Reiki Share on my birthday – June 2, 2020, 2 pm. Again, I felt so much love from all of you who joined the Share that day. It felt extra special to be in Reiki with both my birth family and my Reiki family that day. After the Share, one of you sent me a message wishing me Happy Birthday, threaded with gratitude and the words ‘Enjoy the end of this beautiful day’.

One thing that I have been missing during lockdown is long walks in nature. I had been thinking  that the woods and the Heath are quite far. I cannot walk there easily. I cannot take public transport at this time. I had been regretting giving up our car! That evening, serendipity led me to walk to the Islington Ecology Centre. I have been there many times, but I had not really explored it. I knew only a small part of it. That evening, with my husband and daughter, we discovered the whole of this beautiful nature reserve. I loved the walk, being able to walk in the woods, being able to hug a tree with my husband and daughter – yes they humoured me that day! I loved the wild flower meadows, the fragrance of the honey suckle, the pond with the tadpoles, everything… I could even appreciate the flowers on the brambles that evening. It felt amazing to discover this oasis within walking distance of our home.

On the way home, I remembered the words – ‘Enjoy the end of this beautiful day’.  It felt as if your wishes had wings. The day felt even more magical. I read all the birthday wishes with a lot more attention after the walk. I have started wishing people with a lot more presence and feeling ever since.

It felt as if this wish, the walk, was helping me receive a deeper message. What if it could be true for all our wishes! Let us not limit ourselves anymore. Let us listen to our heart’s longings and allow ourselves to wish for what is really needed, in our personal life, for our family, for our neighborhood and communities, for our country and for the world. Perhaps the wishes come true in Divine timing. What if it is easier to manifest the wishes than we can imagine!

Thank you for helping make my birthday so special.

Feeling really grateful, especially for this raw cacao hazelnut cake.

Raw cacao cake

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