Treatments in times of COVID-19

I have considered the current Government and Public Health advice for my location and work situation. I have also done Risk Assessment for giving treatments safely. As a result, I can offer remote treatments only at this time. While complying with present social distancing requirements and permissible out-door activities, I can offer an in-person/face-to-face option as well.

The treatments are currently offered in one of the following ways:

  1. Remotely with a video call
  2. Remotely without a video call
  3. Face-to-face outdoors. Weather permitting, in a park in Highbury, maintaining a distance of minimum 2 metres at all times for non-hands-on treatment ie distant/remote treatment.
    Please choose the face-to-face option if you can take part without adverse risk to yourself or household.
For Option 3:
  • It is important that both you and I monitor ourselves and the people we live with or have been in contact with, for main Covid-19 symptoms. We will check-in with each other, on the morning of the appointment, about Covid 19 symptoms and the weather.
  • If it is not possible to meet in the park, due to the weather, the treatment will not be face-to-face, it will be done remotely.
  • If you or I have to cancel the appointment for face-to-face option at short notice due to COVID-19 infection for ourselves or the people we have been in contact with, there will be no cancellation charge.
  • If I am well, I can offer you Options 1 or 2 as an alternative.
  • If I am unwell you will receive a full refund of the payment.

For any of the three Options mentioned above:

  • You must fill out the consultation form and send it to me in advance.
  • I also ask for payment in advance – £50 for Reiki; £111 for Soul Plan Reading.
  • For Option 3 (face-to-face), please bring your own drink of water.
  • For Option 3 (face-to-face), please bring what you need to sit or lie down comfortably during treatment. Duration of the treatment: 30 minutes. Allowing for some conversation before and after the treatment, please provide 45 minutes for the session.
  • If you are in the high risk group, please choose Option 1 or 2, so that you can receive the treatment from the safety of your own home.

If you would like to be kept informed of the change in the situation, when I am able to resume hands-on treatments and teaching, you can sign up to my mailing list. There is the option to unsubscribe if you no longer wish to receive the emails.

More information is available about Remote Reiki Treatments on my website.

I appreciate that this is quite a lot to read and assimilate. I am grateful for your understanding during this strange time in my efforts to support the well being for all – especially yours, my own and our family’s. Please feel free to contact me, if you have any questions or to book a session.


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