I am loving witnessing the richness revealed in nature during the winter months. There is so much to see, so much beauty to touch the heart. Be it the dancing branches, the shapes and patterns that are visible when the branches are bare.
The new branches that appear after a branch is pruned, revealing the spirit of survival of the tree. The number of new branches that appear when the natural growth of a branch is interrupted seems awesome.
I love how the sun light plays at different time of the day in nature. In different seasons it lights up different trees. Sometimes different aspects of the same trees are illuminated. Going for a walk in the same areas in my neighbourhood in the last two years, has helped me learn to notice different aspects of nature more deeply.
And how much beauty there is even when the plants are dormant, in the dead flower heads that birds love!
The braid like pattern revealed in the way ivy finds its path along the tree trunk is more visible in the winter months and seemed mesmerising. Perhaps hidden under the parasitic nature of ivy is the ability to receive. An ability that each one of us have, for it was needed from the beginning when we started to grow in our mother’s body. And the tree needs to experience the joy of unconditional giving in letting the ivy grow. I am in awe of all that is being revealed in nature every moment. There is so much richness, so much to learn from nature, especially in winter.
When it is cold, sometimes it seems easier to just hibernate. It is not always easy to muster the motivation to go out for a walk! I feel grateful for the daily Reiki practice, the Reiki precept ‘Show gratitude to every living thing‘ that helps me learn to appreciate nature more deeply, give it attention and want to spend time outdoors despite the cold weather.
I would love to know what richness you are noticing during the winter months. What touches your heart, what brings you joy? I would love to see nature through your eyes too. Each one of us sees things through the unique lens of our own perspective. When I share, it enriches me. Through our sharing, we can help enrich each other.