A Reiki student mentioned raised liver enzyme levels recently. I myself have had raised blood sugar levels. The next morning I woke up worrying about my frozen/thawing shoulder.
I decided to go for a walk in the park nearby. The Earth helps me remember what I have forgotten. I remembered to bring attention to the body’s innate ability to heal itself from the ailment and the worry. I remembered that Reiki helps boost my body’s innate ability to self heal.
And then I remembered to bring curiosity to what is happening. I feel curiosity is a more powerful motivator than fear. I loved learning how asking a question can allow space for curiosity to bloom. So I started with the question ‘If my blood sugar levels lower to a healthy level for my body, what would it feel like’. I love this technique of being with a question from Aikido. I discovered it in Wendy Palmer’s book – The Intuitive Body. The technique is rather simple. I start with the question, bring attention to the breath and observe the sensations in the body.
A few days later, I am realising that I need to welcome what is. I realise that I have been trying to fix it, I have been wishing it away. And this takes me away from the present moment. I have been tying myself in knots about what do I need to do, what do I eat. I have been feeling sorry for myself that I cannot eat a whole lot of my favourite foods anymore. I am remembering my favourite go to poem in such situations – Guesthouse by Rumi.
The question has evolved to ‘If I am able to welcome the raised blood sugar levels with gratitude, what would it feel like’. I am finding that getting the question right is the key. If I get the question right, answers start to come. Although they come in their own time.
As I hone the ability to welcome and embrace what is – the part of me that craves sugar or sweetness, the part that feels sorry for myself, I trust that I will be able to stay open and present to receive the next step on the path of healing. As I embrace these guides from beyond, and invite them in, I can look forward to some new delights. At the moment I feel as if a subconscious worry about health, being diagnosed with a serious health condition is easing deep within my being. I feel as if I am learning to love some more unacknowledged, unclaimed parts of my being.
If this resonates, please feel free to find your own question to allow curiosity to guide your healing process. Do remember to let me know how you get on.