Personal development

Curiosity and Healing

A Reiki student mentioned raised liver enzyme levels recently. I myself have had raised blood sugar levels. The next morning I woke up worrying about my frozen/thawing shoulder.

I decided to go for a walk in the park nearby. The Earth helps me remember what I have forgotten. I remembered to bring attention to the body’s innate ability to heal itself from the ailment and the worry. I remembered that Reiki helps boost my body’s innate ability to self heal.

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Joy of weaving

My desire to weave came from the need for a rug during lockdown. I could not go anywhere to look at a rug and feel it. One day it finally dawned on me that I could weave one myself. I started googling to learn how to weave a rag rug. I chose the simplest technique I could find. I did not have to buy any materials. All I needed was some old clothes, fabric scissors, four safety pins and willingness to weave.

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Awe and Wonder with Reiki

Learning about how experiencing awe and wonder can be a doorway to our wellbeing, I remembered a phrase I heard many years ago about Reiki from Rick Bockner, another one of the 22 Reiki Masters initiated by Mrs Hawayo Takata about Reiki – ‘Experience the wonder and wonder about the experience’. Practising Reiki for over 22 years now, I have been experiencing many many benefits. Today I realise that my ability to experience awe and wonder was also being honed over the years. I have been looking for awe and wonder in the external. It is indeed easier to connect with awe and wonder in nature. But awe and wonder is all around us, in simple everyday life, in our body. It is easy to experience and wonder with Reiki, through the simple act of placing Reiki hands on the body.

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Grounding, Centering and Presence – 1

I have been contemplating grounding while healing from an injury to the right shoulder when I slipped on some wet autumn leaves last month. I have found it helpful to realise since this experience that I tend to leave the body and lose my centre when I feel hurt, or when I am leap frogging from one thing to another! Do you know what takes you away from your centre?

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A neighbour invited me to her 70th birthday party recently. The invitation included a request to compose a poem and

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